Daily Archives: April 10, 2012

My Fair Lady; Chapter Two

The warmth of the summer wind cut against the raised arms of the young purple robed figure that stood silently at the top of the Ladyerl castle, whose face was streaked with grime and heavy tears. It lowered its long and thin tanned arms, and sank to the ground. It pulled off its hood, staring up at the night sky that twinkled with stars.

“Oh, Father, Mother! Help me…oh, help…everything’s left me!” She cried, burying her face in the thick violet fabric around her, her body racked with wild sobs.

A black haired girl with a beautiful jeweled crown upon her head walked through the garden, her light purple eyes scanning the trees and ground for the brown shoes that walked in her dreams ever since he had arrived.
The tapping of shoes woke her from her daze, and she glanced up. A young boy with brown hair with a few streaks of black was frowning at her.

“Ah. Your Majesty. How are you?” he said courteously, smirking.

She frowned at him, as if whether to decide he was faking or not. “Fine enough, Keriid. What say you?”

Keriid dropped down from the trees, and instead leapt up to the white bench that supported the grape vines, seemingly wanting to stay away from the princess. Or queen. Her father Araki and mother Aliana had died when she was three, killed by a mysterious monster that was said to still lurk inside the Dark Forest.

“Fair en-”

“What would you do if someone said they loved you?”

The words dropped from her mouth before she even realized it, and her face burned with embarrassment. What a stupid thing to say to a boy, a boy that she had never spoken face to face with before! A boy that only one girl, her best friend Anatine, had talked with!
His left eye twitched, and the dark brown irises glinted with a strange emotion. Hate? Disgust? What could it be? Or possibly fear?
Suddenly, he jumped down from the bench and picked up a stone…

“I’m not staying next semester,” Keriid offered, grinning.

“Yes, whatever Keriid. I did not give you permission to speak.”

Artcele saw a look of surprise flicker over Anatine’s face as the boy spoke, and she frowned. Was she in love with the handsome squire as well?

As soon as the bell rang, Anatine slipped into the cubicle that held locker number twenty. She returned with her schoolbag, and quickly packed. Then she got out, her feet carrying her away.

The memories started to drown Artcele, and she shook her head weakly. “No. No. No. Why must this happen to me? I’ve lost everyone. I’m not special!”



It is something that is much too lacked these days. It is what makes us different from computers and the more primal of beasts. They are completely capable of recording down information in their appropriate slots, or following completely their instinctual desires. Humans, however, liken themselves to be at least somewhat higher than these crude beings. They may not look beastly, nor have any sort of physical defect that would provide evidence or make certain our judgment of them, but it is due to their mental capacities that we so think this way.

We have even gone so far as to already put of our league of intelligence completely. We do not ridicule them for their relatively measly constructions, and their living life for the sake of living perspective. No, instead we comment on their cuteness and their ability to do that which is relatively far below that which we can do. It’s like the way an adult treats a baby, except there’s no expectation of the baby ever to reach the adult’s mental capacity. Some might hope so, but the general consensus is that animals are indeed stupider than us. But ironically, we are missing the one thing that is separating us from them. It is our ability to learn from our mistakes and comprehend that which we have already learned. It is our ability to build upon that which has already been built. It is our ability to understand.

Do we truly, though, nowadays? Sure, we can remark that we understand something, but does the process of doing so really complete its journey through our mind, or does it flow out of our crevices into the abyss of ignorance and forgetfulness? But first, what is understanding? It is the comprehension of a concept, and being able to ensue the process of reasoning with it as well as changing our lives based on that information. Of course, we might not necessarily change our views of life and its meaning for every single article of knowledge that we understand.

There are some cases, however, especially in our modern lives, that require this implementation of the processed knowledge into our lives. An example that troubles me appears whenever I hear or read of a child, or even an adult, who acts maliciously for no reason at all. No matter if it was in retaliation to a prior event, or a result of a lack of sleep or sufficient sustenance, it has been already hammered into our heads the fact that being unvirtuous or violent has simply no positive effect to the community. You would just be chancing upon or contributing into a chain of resentment and unvirtuousity; you would cause the other member to inflict anger upon another, who then do that upon another, creating either or even both an ever increasing mass of depressed or violent people.

Even if your affected members later understood that the actions done in their past were just be stupid idiots, for the most part they will retain some ever hurting memory of it, either subconsciously or consciously. But it seems that they do not care. I had a short, direct, and possibly false (on the other party’s side) conversation with a child near my age in which he replied that he was mean just to be mean. He gave no reason for his being mean; he even admitted that he knew none. It was probably just the end-result of the endless chain of society’s problems as well as our more native traits, but that does not make it any less wrong or illogical. Blatantly, he had just admitted to not giving a single thought to the understanding of something that he had learned.

We also see examples like this everywhere, really. Smoking, taking drugs, prostitution, child labor, cutting hazardous corners in business, wars, etc. We know the code of morality that so exists within all of us. We have been taught that some actions are evil, and have proved to be horrendously destructive and not entirely worthwhile in the past. But we throw these articles of knowledge so that we may sink into that comfortable sink hole of the illusion of happiness through physical pleasure, ignorance, or the attainment of that which is material.

And that’s not to say that to step in once in a while is not good, it’s natural – though that’s really a moot point – and especially when it comes to the material, we cannot necessarily live without it. It helps provide a bit of enjoyment in our lives, I guess. But we always have to acknowledge and UNDERSTAND that it is still a sinkhole, and if we ever forget about it, we’ll drown in its grasp. To just know it is a sinkhole, and when to get out and back in, is not enough. It’s a repetitive cycle with no meaning at all. But to understand it is to search for the possibility, or reality, of another location where the happiness is pure and where there are no elusive hands waiting to drag you down. To understand it is to hope and reach to achieve the better and the more virtuous. To understand it, and therefore understand or try to understand everything else, we will be closer to all that is and all that we have ever searched for.

STR §1

“Hey, S! Do you wanna come over and play tomorrow?” As I slammed my locker door shut, an exciting voice popped up behind my back that gave me chills of goose bumps, which I’m sure will tear through my favorite shirt. So I twirled back and took a deep breath.

“Uh…No?” Dear Sutton T. Rae, if I could admire you more, I would count on the eyebrow you are raising… I lift my bushy eyebrows and glared at my best friend, Blake. Her perfume fluttered the whole way here. I still can see the sparks flickering with the excitement. But I have to put her fire of thrill down with a wet, big N-O.

“But…but…Why?” Blair’s eyes of the deserts are now quivering with tears, her voice stuttered with trembling, and the fit body shaking fiercely. Still staring at me with her troubled eyes, I started to find that little dummy a good actor. I bet if she never went to Hollywood, her life will be wasted. I pointed at her with my boney fingers; those took me ages to be cleaned from art class and I decided to never go to that branch. My eyes glancing all over B, neck overflowing with the scent of lavenders, letters of her name tinkled from her agile wrists and the long neck, the tight jeans had fit the shape of her lap very well with a part of the thin belt hanging down. I could tell that she planned this for a long time, but I had to say no.

Ignoring the ‘stalker’, I threw my backpack over my shoulder and paced down the stairs. Nodding, I smiled with satisfaction; the crowd making a way for me always pleases me. And yes, that’s right, I sure am a big star of the school. Come on, why wouldn’t I? I’m hot, I am dating the most popular boy in the academy, I am in the SPISH (Star Program in S•B•T•C•R High), I am the captain of the cheerleaders, and my dad is an important investor of S•B•T•C•R High! Yeah, admire me!

Waving to the driver, I ordered him to start driving with my hands massaging my head, but instead, I heard a loud bang coming from my right side. Before I even reacted, a thing bumped right into my shoulder! I pushed it to the other side and started to pull out my book, Twilight. Hey! Edward left! I bet Bella must be REAL crashed! Man! Can’t you even notice she wasn’t fully dead yet? Where did the vampire-ness gone? It failed to possess you? Come one!

Ten minutes later…

What happened? Why is Blair sitting right next to me? Why is she grinning? And WHY does she have a sleepover backpack? Oh my! She’s going to live in my house for the next 2 weeks! This is the routine B always does to get secrets out from people! Following people everywhere 24/7 really IS going to get everybody’s secrets out! I can’t live that torture! How can I? Maybe I’ll just live it for one night and go out with Jake? If tomorrow were already past, there wouldn’t be any reason to ask me why, right?

Calming my bumping chest, I told myself to stay steady again and keep my mouth shut for the next two weeks. Yes, that will be fine…