Category Archives: About the Authors

The Beginning Steps

From my recent attempts at unlocking the mysteries of the intangible, I realized that faith is crucial to seeing beyond that which can be seen. The problem is that we are an extremely materialistic society – we love that which is tangible and can be logically reasoned.

That is perhaps why we have a seemingly ingrained attraction to the scientific theories of our existence. For most of us that believe and used to believe in these theories, it seems that few have actually sought to test them. The rest of us just believed in it simply because it was there. It was something that was created by man, and could be observed through the senses.

Take imagination as an example as to how much we like the tangible items of our universe. Imagination is simply the manipulation of mental images that had previously been created through sense perception, but yet we still ridicule it as if it didn’t exist. All the things or thoughts that we imagine must have had some kind of source or occurrence within our lives, but to us, we feel like it had been pulled out of the vacuum of space.

Imagine how we would take to a being that wasn’t at all, in our minds, perceivable. We cannot at all imagine its figure, for it has none that we can hope to observe, even if we were ‘right next to it’. God is such a being. We cannot see him, we cannot smell him, we cannot feel him, we cannot taste him, we cannot establish a mental image of him. But does that mean that he does not exist? This is where I am stuck, at faith. The well-studied and diligent persons of our race have been able (to my knowledge) to logically deduce its existence. But is that all? Is the cup half-full or is it half-empty? Have we reached all that we desire to reach, or have we lost what we used to have?

I am stuck within a dilemma. Imagine you are the captain of a ship, sailing into unknown waters. Your country’s finest map-makers have logically reasoned out a map of the waters, but there is much still unknown. Then, a stranger hands you a chart of the waters ahead. You have the choice of following your own maps, which, though desperately unfinished, are completely accurate as to what they say, or follow the new found map, which, if incorrect, may lead you into a watery grave. To believe in the new map would be to have faith in the revelations that God has given us, through his scriptures or otherwise. But though it may actually be that there is no harm in having faith, it seems like a murky and dangerous area to tread into. Almost as if through a wrong step you might fall into an untimely doom. But alas, the treasure is worth having. Knowledge lies at the end of the hallway, but would you take the first and perhaps last step?

Ni Hao!

I’m just kidding, I’m from Hamden, Connecticut; I currently reside in China. Well, my name is Tina and I am a 6th grader at the glorious SMIC School.  Anyway, this is a short biography about me.


I lived in America for eleven years, and, until recently, had only been to China a few times: once when I was one year old, and once at about five or six. Life in America was fairly easy-going and we had barely any homework. Er, that is to say, it would take about ten or so minutes. It’s pretty hard to get to used to life here in Beijing because I’m used to English, very little homework, drivers who don’t almost kill you when you step out into the road, which, should you survive, the heavily polluted air will probably kill you – how I miss the clean air.

The day I learned I was moving to China was during the school year, in about fourth grade. I told my friends, and they all acted pretty devastated.

“But you’re coming back, right?” Someone asked.

I gave a pretty pathetic smile. “For high school.”

How wrong I would learn I was then.

My mother told me that I would have to speak Chinese when I got back (if I didn’t I would have to go to high school here), and that she wanted me to go to Choate High, Connecticut’s top high school and number fourteen in the entire US. I tried to hide my consternation, my disappointment that I wouldn’t return to Hamden – where I lived my entire life. Well, at least Wallingford is near a few very close friends of mine, I thought dejectedly. What you get is what you get. 


The thing I find hardest to adjust to is the math. I mean, not including the air quality and the endlessness of hamburgers for lunch. In fifth grade at Shepherd Glen, we were learning how to add fractions and find the areas of rectangles. Luckily Mom taught me some of the math concepts here. But she never taught me anything that was in the first night’s homework. Oh boy, that was a rough night. I cried after about three or more hours. I hate not getting anything done, I always have a very early deadline for myself.

But the one thing I like most about Shepherd Glen is how your friends always stay by your side, and they don’t drift away. They’re your tree, which you can trust will keep and hide your secrets and tears. The boys don’t curse at you, say nasty things that just keep building up the layer of ice around your heart.

Well, that’s it for now! I eagerly hope to write more soon~

Nina ~ Hi There!

Hi! My name is Nina. I am in the same school with Tom. I am Chinese, but now I am officially Australian. I lived in China for 6 to 7 years now. Something interesting is that I did not go to the second grade, but just skipped to 3rd grade in Australia.

At that time, I sucked at English. But people translated for me, so my English improved a lot.

I like shopping, it is the best therapy for me to cure my damaged soul; that is, when compared to talking to my friends, seeing a shrink (psychological therapist). My first choice is talking to my friends, and following are the shopping therapy and then seeing a shrink. To me, friends are better than telling my parents my secrets. Even though people say one’s friends, family, and lovers weigh the same, but I care more about friendships.

My goal as a blogger is to make my blog more special than anybody else’s. I love what I have, and I am thankful for the people who have been there for me when I am helpless. My friends are the best and the most supportive cheerers in my life.

Tom ~ My Goals & A Short Story About Myself

Hi my name is Tom~

I have lived in Beijing for over 8 years, and now I’m at an awesome school named SMIC.


When I was little, I lived in Taipei.

About 8~9 years ago, my mom told me that we were going to live in China

I asked why? My mom said it’s because of my dad’s job. Soon after hearing that I started to cry, and yelled “I can’t speak “China”! I don’t wanna to go!”

I know it’s funny by saying I don’t know how to speak “China”

After my Mom told me that people in China don’t speak a language called “CHINA” instead, they speak Chinese like us…..I stopped crying…

When I arrived in Beijing, I was in First Grade for only one month

So, my mom, instead of letting me to be in 1st Grade, let me to re-take  kindergarten. That’s when I started to learn English as my second language.

After a year in Kindergarten, I moved up to 1st Grade, but my English was still bad……But, by the time I was in 4th grade, my English began improving~


I had an interest in Technology, Computer, etc.

I like things to be clean, organized, and easy as possible(in other words, I’m LAZY)

As a blogger, I wanted this blog to be:

  • More Popular
  • More Fun
  • More Awesome!

In this blog  I will be continue to post more on “SMIC Perspective”
